100 articles Knowledge Base
Universal Android
Frequently asked questions, resolutions to common problems and additional tips & tricks for Universal for Android
Showing a WordPress Page / Single Post
46Adding icons to your app (Android)
36Google API keys
31Universal for Android QuickStart
27Pushing notifications (with url) to your users.
20Configuration Caching
18Youtube Channel ID
17Disable pull to refresh in WebView
16Hide a div/part of the site in the WebView.
13Show offline webpages
Universal IOS
Frequently asked questions, resolutions to common problems & additional tips & tricks for Universal for IOS
Showing a WordPress Page / Single Post
20Configuration Caching
18Youtube Channel ID
17Disable pull to refresh in WebView
16Hide a div/part of the site in the WebView.
13Set the WebView user agent
9Why isn’t my post (or my posts images) displayed correctly?
9WooCommerce doesn’t work properly
9Migrating from the Web2App Panel to the new Builder
7App doesn’t meet guideline 4.4.2 for Minimum Functionality
Web2App IOS
Frequently asked questions, resolutions to common problems & additional tips & tricks for Web2App for IOS
Disable pull to refresh in WebView
16Hide a div/part of the site in the WebView.
13Set the WebView user agent
6Adding icons to your IOS app
5IOS Permissions
5Debugging IOS Projects
5Configure what should open outside the WebView in the browser – IOS
4Hiding the WebView loading indicator from the navigationbar
3Privacy on IOS
2Running XCode on M1 Macs
Web2App Android
Frequently asked questions, resolutions to common problems & additional tips & tricks for Web2App for Android
Adding icons to your app (Android)
27Pushing notifications (with url) to your users.
21Add WebView Permissions (Location, Microphone, etc)
16Hide a div/part of the site in the WebView.
13Set the WebView user agent
13Show offline webpages
10Customising the Splash Screen.
9How to use Web Template fullscreen/tabs/actionbar?
6Retrieve OneSignal user ID from WebView
Answers to frequently asked questions & problems faced when importing
“No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘drawable’ with value *)” or “Failed to crunch file”
1I’m having deprecation errors. Is my template outdated?
0Gradle DSL method Android() not found
0I’m getting Unable to resolve target ‘android-19’
0Case expression must be contant expression.